Structured Materials
Prof Geoff Moggridge

The Structured Materials group is headed by Prof Geoff Moggridge. He has a long standing interest in chemical product design and this is reflected in many of the projects undertaken by the group.
The overarching link between the diverse range of projects within the Structured Materials group is the production or utilization of microstructures for particular applications.
We believe that adequate funding for energy transition research is crucial. Our Department is committed to the University's goal of maximizing our contribution towards achieving a resilient and sustainable zero-carbon world. We actively pursue this goal through the development of technologies, materials, and processes that enable a rapid and efficient shift away from fossil fuel based energy production and consumption. We do not conduct any research in our Department on technologies for the extraction or production of fossil fuels.
Current Projects
A heart valve prototype being fabricated by Joanna Stasiak and Jacob Brubert.
A heart valve prototype being fabricated by Joanna Stasiak and Jacob Brubert.
Current projects include:
- The development of an improved prosthetic heart valve utilising the anisotropic mechanical properties of oriented block coploymers.
- Understanding the relationship between mutual and tracer diffusion coefficients in binary non-ideal liquid mixtures.
The Structured Materials Group falls under the Department's Measurement and Microstructure Engineering research themes. It is part of the Microstructure Engineering Cluster within Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology. There are shared projects with the P4G and Colloid Dispersions groups.
Mould for fabrication of trileaflet heart valves by compression moulding - male part in front, female behind
Mould for fabrication of trileaflet heart valves by compression moulding - male part in front, female behind
A heart valve prototype, produced from mould
A heart valve prototype, produced from mould
Recent Projects
Examples of recent projects include:
- Developing an environmentally friendly control strategy for the invasive zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha.
- Making controlled size porous materials from block copolymers.
- Understanding the processing of cake flour.
- Investigation of the rheology of Marmite.
- Freezing cocoa butter in small droplets.
- Formulation of furniture polish.