Fouling, Cleaning & Disinfection in Food Processing 2006
Dr. Thierry Benezech | INRA-LGPTA, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France |
Dr. Mike Bird | University of Bath, UK |
Prof. Dong Chen | University of Auckland, NZ |
Dr. Peter de Jong | NIZO food research BV, Netherlands |
Prof. Peter Fryer | University of Birmingham,UK |
Mark Formalik | Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, USA |
A/Prof. Alan Friis | DTU, Copenhagen, Denmark |
Prof. Christine Grant | North Carolina State University, USA |
Prof. Per Einar Granum | Norwegian School of Veterinary Science |
Prof. Albrecht Grashoff | Federal Research Centre for Nutrition and Food, Kiel, Germany |
Dr. Tony Hasting | Consultant, UK |
Prof. Marie Paulsson | University of Lund, Sweden |
Prof. Joanna Verran | Manchester Metropolitan University, UK |
Dr. Ian Wilson | University of Cambridge, UK |
The meeting is sponsored by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the SCI Food Engineering Group, the IChemE and EFCE Food and Drink Groups, the IMechE Food Engineering Comittee, Kodak, IUFoST and the Departments of Chemical Engineering at the Universities of Birmingham and Cambridge.