GF Knott and MR Mackley.
On eddy motions near plates and ducts, induced by water waves and periodic flows.
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MR Mackley.
The application of pulsatile flow to chemical and process engineering.
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CR Brunold, JCB Hunns, MR Mackley and JW Thompson.
Experimental observations on flow patterns and energy losses for oscillatory flow in ducts containing sharp edges.
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HW Dickens, MR Mackley and HR Williams.
Residence time distributions of oscillatory flows in baffled tubes.
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T Howes and MR Mackley.
Experimental axial dispersion for oscillatory flow through a baffled tube.
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MR Mackley, GM Tweddle and ID Wyatt.
Experimental heat transfer measurements for pulsatile flow in baffled tubes.
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T Howes, MR Mackley and EPL Roberts.
The simulation of chaotic mixing and dispersion for periodic flows in baffled channels.
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MR Mackley and X Ni.
Mixing and dispersion in a baffled tube for steady laminar and pulsatile flow.
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MR Mackley.
Process innovation using oscillatory flow within baffled tubes.
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M Mackay, MR Mackley and Y Wang.
Oscillatory flow within tubes containing wall or central baffles.
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MR Mackley and EPL Roberts.
Mixing and flow patterns for unsteady flow in baffled channels.
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A pulsatile flow bioreactor.
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MR Mackley, KB Smith and NP Wise.
The mixing and separation of particle suspensions using oscillatory flow in baffled tubes.
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MR Mackley and X Ni.
Experimental fluid dispersion measurements in periodic baffled tube arrays.
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Y Wang, JA Howell, RW Field, MR Mackley.
Oscillatory flow within porous tubes containing wall or central baffles.
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M.R.Mackley and P Stonestreet.
Heat transfer and associated energy dissipation for oscillatory flow in baffled tubes.
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EPL Roberts and MR Mackley.
The simulation of stretch rates for the quantitative prediction and mapping of mixing within a channel flow.
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MR Mackley, P Stonestreet, EPL Roberts and X Ni.
Residence time distribution enhancement in reactors using oscillatory flow.
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EPL Roberts and MR Mackley.
The development of asymmetry and period doubling for oscillatory flow in baffled channels.
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P Stonestreet and MR Mackley.
Evaluation of oscillatory flow mixing in tubular reactors for continuous processing.
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SJ Wright and MR Mackley.
Oscillatory flow mixers: a novel design for reactors with plug flow behaviour and the ability to suspend particles.
Proceedings of Chemeca '98, Port Douglas, Australia (1998).
MR Mackley and RMC Neves Sariava.
The quantitative description of fluid mixing using Lagrangian and concentration based numerical methods.
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AP Harvey, MR Mackley and P Stonestreet.
Operation and optimisation of an oscillatory flow continuous reactor.
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AP Harvey, MR Mackley and T Seliger.
Process intensification of biodiesel production using a continuous oscillatory flow reactor.
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TE Bustnes, CF Kaminski and MR Mackley.
Direct visualization of flowing biomass capture and release within a fibrous matrix.
Biochemical Engineering Journal, 18(3), 231-234 (2004)
N Reis, AP Harvey, MR Mackley, AA Vicente and JA Teixeira.
Fluid Mechanics and design aspects of a novel oscillatory flow screening mesoreactor.
Chemical Engineering Research & Design, Trans IChemE. A 83(A4) 357-371 (2005)
TE Bustnes, CF Kaminski and MR Mackley.
The capture and release of biomass in a high voidage fibrous microstructure: Mechanisms and shear stress levels.
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TE Bustnes and MR Mackley.
The capture and release of biomass using a high voidage fibrous filter.
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KB Smith and MR Mackley.
An experimental investigation into the scale up of oscillatory flow mixing in baffled tubes.
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M Zheng and MR Mackley.
The Axial dispersion performance of an oscillatory flow meso reactor with relevance to continuous flow operation.
Chemical Engineering Science, 63(7), 1788-1799 (2008)