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Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology


I was headhunted from the company where I was working by the Institute of Biotechnology in April 1997, and I was employed as a Computer Associate and the IT Manager in an academic-related post.

My remit was wide and encompassed all of the aspects of IT in a thriving and successful independent research department.

As the Institute evolved, becoming part of the School of Technology, and then later merging to become the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, my role evolved and I gained promotion.

More recently I was asked if I would set up a professional video studio and editing suite within the Department to record lectures for online remote teaching during the lockdown.

I am pleased to say the Studio has been very successful, and also is reported to have gained an international reputation.

As the University returned to “in person” teaching, I was asked to become AV lead and AV Manager, whilst remaining in my existing and core role as a Computer Associate.

This involves videography (documentary, promotional, outreach), photography (portrait, group, outreach, and promotional) audio recording and editing, running and maintaining our lecture capture provision in tandem with the UIS lecture capture section, and providing AV support, in conjunction with my ongoing Computer Associate core role.

It is exciting, rewarding, and on occasion, allows me to have new experiences and further enhance my expertise, and knowledge.

Outside of the University I also work as:

-    A digital and mixed media artist who has exhibited and sold work worldwide.

-    A professional photographer who has had photos published in international magazines.

-    A professional videographer with over 800 completed projects.

-    An audio engineer with over 20 years of experience.

-    A podcaster with regular podcasts.
-    A podcast engineer producing and editing podcasts with an established client base.

-    A communications consultant and systems analyst (remote).

-    I call upon all of my skills and experience on a day to day basis in my work at the University.

I am always happy to discuss new projects, commissions, and collaborations.

Further information:



Computer Associate
Audio Visual Lead Role
Robin Ansell

Contact Details

01223 (3)34147
Email address: