Dr Sebastian Ahnert |
sea31@cam.ac.uk |
University Assistant Professor |
Dr Jethro Akroyd |
(01223) 762784 |
jwja2@cam.ac.uk |
Senior Research Associate |
Jane Alder |
ja864@cam.ac.uk |
Research Strategy Manager |
Mohammad Reza Alizadeh Kiapi |
mra51@cam.ac.uk |
PhD Student |
Lara Allen |
lva20@cam.ac.uk |
Senior Research Associate |
Dr Miguel Anaya |
ma811@cam.ac.uk |
Senior Research Associate, Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow |
Robin Ansell |
01223 334147 |
rla22@cam.ac.uk |
Computer Associate |
Nikolaos Avrantinis |
na519@cam.ac.uk |
PhD student |
Professor Sabine Bahn |
(01223) 334151 |
sb209@cam.ac.uk |
Professor of Neurotechnology |
Professor Patrick Barrie |
(01223) 331864 |
pjb10@cam.ac.uk |
Professor of Chemical Engineering Education |
Dr Zachariah Bond |
zb233@cam.ac.uk |
Senior Teaching Associate |
Dr Simon Butler |
(01223) 334766 |
sab1000@cam.ac.uk |
Chemical Laboratory Manager, Senior Technical Officer: Rheology Centre |
Rebecca Caldbeck |
rc891@cam.ac.uk |
PhD student |
Vito Candela |
vc447@cam.ac.uk |
HR Administrator |
David Cann |
dc451@cam.ac.uk |
Domestic Staff |
Alexander Carvell |
ac2346@cam.ac.uk |
Infrastructure Manager |
Professor Howard Chase |
hac1000@cam.ac.uk |
Emeritus Professor of Biochemical Engineering |
Dr Graham Christie |
(01223) 334166 |
gc301@cam.ac.uk |
Associate Professor |
Dr Raquel Costa |
rjc67@cam.ac.uk |
Programme coordinator, MPhil in Biotechnology |
Jon Cowper |
(01223) 763866 |
jwc26@cam.ac.uk |
Computer Officer |
Freyja Bjork Dagbjartsdottir |
fbd22@cam.ac.uk |
PhD student |
Jamie Davidson |
jrd52@cam.ac.uk |
PhD student |
Giannina Del Carmen Ow Young Villarreal |
gdco3@cam.ac.uk |
PhD student |
Professor Lorenzo Di Michele |
ld389@cam.ac.uk |
Professor of Bionanoscience |
Hannah Dolman |
(07394) 839259 |
hd531@cam.ac.uk |
Communications Manager |
Faith Durup |
fr259@cam.ac.uk |
Accounts Manager |
Josh Easy |
je451@cam.ac.uk |
Makerspace Manager |
Professor David Fairen-Jimenez |
(01223) 334785 |
df334@cam.ac.uk |
Royal Society University Research Fellow, Professor in Molecular Engineering |
Dr Feroz Farazi |
msff2@cam.ac.uk |
Research Associate |
Alistair Finlayson |
af288@cam.ac.uk |
Facilities Manager |
Professor Adrian Fisher |
(01223) 763996 |
acf42@cam.ac.uk |
Professor of Electrochemistry |
Stuart Fordham |
(01223) 767407 |
sjf81@cam.ac.uk |
Stores Assistant |
Christina Freeman |
stranks-pa@ceb.cam.ac.uk |
PA to Prof Sam Stranks |
Professor Ljiljana Fruk |
(01223) 334778 |
lf389@cam.ac.uk |
Reader in BioNano Engineering |
Chenfeng Gao |
cg675@cam.ac.uk |
PhD student |
Professor Dame Lynn Gladden |
(01223) 334762 |
lfg1@cam.ac.uk |
Shell Professor of Chemical Engineering |
Elena Gonzalez |
(01223) 762587 |
eg314@cam.ac.uk |
Marketing and Outreach Assistant |
Cristina González López |
cg706@cam.ac.uk |
PhD student |
Professor Lisa Hall |
(01223) 334149 |
eah16@cam.ac.uk |
Professor of Analytical Biotechnology |
David Hampton |
(07860) 559492 |
drh37@cam.ac.uk |
Programme Director, MPhil in Bioscience Enterprise |
Zhimian Hao |
zh303@cam.ac.uk |
Research Associate, Sustainable Reaction Engineering group |
Alexander Harrison |
arph2@cam.ac.uk |
PhD student |
Karen Hartley |
kh715@cam.ac.uk |
Glasswasher |
Professor Allan Hayhurst F.C.I., M.R.S.C., |
(01223) 334790 |
anh1000@cam.ac.uk |
Emeritus Professor |
Christine Heinrich |
(01223) 748857 |
cflh2@cam.ac.uk |
Senior Research Laboratory Technician |
Professor Séamus Higson |
sh2124@cam.ac.uk |
Programme Manager for the MPhil in Bioscience Enterprise |
Darius Hoven |
dh716@cam.ac.uk |
PhD student |
Dr Devon Indar |
dki21@cam.ac.uk |
Assistant Teaching Professor |
Debbie Jacobs |
dtj22@cam.ac.uk |
Chief Domestic Supervisor |
Dr Muhammad Asadullah Javed |
(01223) 334777 |
aj590@cam.ac.uk |
Research Associate |
Professor Clemens Kaminski |
(01233) 763135 |
cfk23@cam.ac.uk |
Professor of Chemical Physics, Director: EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sensor Technologies and Applications, Laser Analytics Group, Head of Department |
Professor Gabriele Kaminski Schierle |
(01233) 766549 |
gsk20@cam.ac.uk |
Professor in Molecular Biotechnology, Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy |
Isla Kaye |
reception@ceb.cam.ac.uk |
Receptionist |
Professor Ross King |
rk663@cam.ac.uk |
Stefany Kissovsky |
sjk96@cam.ac.uk |
PhD Student |
Professor Markus Kraft |
(01233) 762784 |
mk306@cam.ac.uk |
Professor of Chemical Engineering, CARES Director |
Sebastian W Krauss |
sk2264@cam.ac.uk |
Oppenheimer Research Fellow |
Karen Langford |
kal50@cam.ac.uk |
HR Manager |
Professor Alexei Lapkin |
(01233) 330141 |
aal35@cam.ac.uk |
Professor of Sustainable Reaction Engineering |
Jongmin Lee |
jl2112@cam.ac.uk |
PhD student |
Dr Xiao Lin |
CET & CEBT supervisor, Technology development consultant |
Swetha Lingamgunta |
sl970@cam.ac.uk |
PhD student |
Zixuan Lu |
zl422@cam.ac.uk |
Research Associate |
Dr Edjohn Aaron Macauyag |
aem233@cam.ac.uk |
Postdoctoral Research Associate |
Professor Malcolm Mackley |
mrm5@cam.ac.uk |
Emeritus Professor |
Professor Mick Mantle |
(01233) 766325 |
mdm20@cam.ac.uk |
Professor in Applied Magnetic Resonance |
Wenxin Mao |
wm362@cam.ac.uk |
Senior Research Associate, Royal Society Newton International Fellow |
Dr Ewa Marek |
(01233) 334776 |
ejm94@cam.ac.uk |
Associate Professor, Director of Studies in CEBT, Fellow of Jesus College |
Dr Tom Matthams |
(01223) 330140 |
tjm16@cam.ac.uk |
Department Administrator (Academic Matters) |
Hernan Mazzei |
Research Associate |
Dr Samuel McDermott |
Associate Teaching Professor, Sensor CDT Programme Manager |
Chen Meng |
cm2309@cam.ac.uk |
Research Assistant |
Professor Geoff Moggridge |
(01233) 334763 |
gdm14@cam.ac.uk |
Professor of Chemical Product Design |
Dr Jenny Molloy |
jcm80@cam.ac.uk |
Senior Research Associate, Shuttleworth Research Fellow |
Dr Sebastian Mosbach |
(01223) 762785 |
sm453@cam.ac.uk |
Senior Research Associate |
Professor Róisín M. Owens |
(01223) 763969 |
rmo37@cam.ac.uk |
Professor of Bioelectronics |
Dr Theodoros Papalas |
tp557@cam.ac.uk |
Postdoctoral Research Associate |
Joe Payne |
ejrp3@cam.ac.uk |
PhD Student |
Bruno M. S. Pinho |
(01223) 331761 |
bp421@cam.ac.uk |
Senior Research Associate |
Raina Ramadoss |
rr721@cam.ac.uk |
Senior Research Laboratory Technician |
Elliot Reed |
er414@cam.ac.uk |
Makerspace CNC Technician |
Dr Alastair Robinson |
ar2197@cam.ac.uk |
Research Associate, Magnetic Resonance Research Centre |
Dr Sarah Rough |
slr1002@cam.ac.uk |
Associate Professor |
Professor Alex Routh |
(01233) 334789 |
afr10@cam.ac.uk |
Professor of Colloid Science |
Dr Roger Rubio-Sanchez |
rmr44@cam.ac.uk |
BBSRC Research Fellow |
Supawan Santitewagun |
ss2645@cam.ac.uk |
PhD student |
Dr David Scott |
dms1@cam.ac.uk |
Retired staff |
Karen Scrivener |
(01223) 761208 |
kes24@cam.ac.uk |
Executive Assistant to the Head of Department |
Mark Scudder |
(01223) 334730 |
mrs33@cam.ac.uk |
Electronics Technician |
Dr Md Hanif Seddiqui |
mhs62@cam.ac.uk |
Research Associate, Computational Modelling |
Professor Andy Sederman |
(01233) 766338 |
ajs40@cam.ac.uk |
Professor in Magnetic Resonance in Engineering |
Sampad Sengupta |
ss3253@cam.ac.uk |
Research Associate |
Dr Shelly Singh-Gryzbon |
(01223) 331863 |
ss3127@cam.ac.uk |
Assistant Professor |
Bob Skelton |
rls1000@cam.ac.uk |
Retired staff |
Professor Nigel K.H. Slater |
(01223) 762953 |
nkhs2@cam.ac.uk |
Professor of Chemical Engineering |
Dr Collin Smith |
cjs227@cam.ac.uk |
Junior Research Fellow |
Dr Joanna Stasiak |
(01223) 330144 |
js744@cam.ac.uk |
Associate Teaching Professor, Director of Teaching |
Helen Stevens-Smith |
hcs24@cam.ac.uk |
Teaching Office Administrator & Librarian |
Professor Sam Stranks |
+44 1223 337288 (ext 37288) |
sds65@cam.ac.uk |
Professor of Energy Materials & Optoelectronics |
Nathalie Tarabay |
nt484@cam.ac.uk |
Amanda Taylor |
at481@cam.ac.uk |
Graduate Administrator |
Dr Elizabeth Tennyson |
et446@cam.ac.uk |
Senior Research Associate |
Dr Jakub Tomasik |
(01223) 334155 |
jt455@cam.ac.uk |
Senior Research Associate |
Professor Laura Torrente Murciano |
(01233) 768664 |
lt416@cam.ac.uk |
Professor of Reaction Engineering and Catalysis, Fellow at St John's College |
Rachael Louise Tuley-Auld |
(01223) 335245 |
rlt23@cam.ac.uk |
Academic Officer, Teaching and Research Co-ordinator, Secretary to the Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Syndicate |
Professor Alan Tunnacliffe |
at10004@cam.ac.uk |
Professor of Molecular Biotechnology |
Alessandra Uomo |
hr@ceb.cam.ac.uk |
HR Administrator |
Dr Francesca van Tartwijk |
fwv21@cam.ac.uk |
Research Associate |
Edward Ward |
ew535@cam.ac.uk |
Senior Research Associate |
Jordan Ward-Williams |
jw686@cam.ac.uk |
Senior Research Associate |
Dr Lik Hong Wee |
lhw31@cam.ac.uk |
Research Associate |
Alex Wilby |
ajw315@cam.ac.uk |
Communications Coordinator |
Professor Ian Wilson |
(01233) 334791 |
diw11@cam.ac.uk |
Professor of Soft Solids and Surfaces |
Dr Polina Yaseneva |
py225@cam.ac.uk |
Senior Research Associate |
Dr Kamran Yunus |
(01233) 762959 |
ky225@cam.ac.uk |
Fellow in Chemical Engineering, Associate Teaching Professor |
Professor J. Axel Zeitler |
(01233) 334783 |
jaz22@cam.ac.uk |
Professor of Microstructure Engineering, Deputy Headship (Research), Director of Research |
Shuyuan Zhang |
sz469@cam.ac.uk |
Research Associate |
Dr Jiyizhe Zhang |
(07536) 207724 |
jz596@cam.ac.uk |
Research Associate |
Dr Qingyuan Zheng |
qz240@cam.ac.uk |
Senior Research Associate |