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Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology

Read more at: Founding father of fluidisation, Professor John Davidson, dies
John Davidson

Founding father of fluidisation, Professor John Davidson, dies

2 January 2020

We are saddened to report that our beloved Emeritus Professor John Davidson died early on Christmas day, aged 93, following a short illness.

Read more at: Powering Apollo 11: the fuel cell that took us to the moon
Buzz Aldrin on the moon

Powering Apollo 11: the fuel cell that took us to the moon

18 July 2019 As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the moon landings, find out about the little known invention that made the voyage possible.

Read more at: A chemical garden that’s also a chemical clock
A chemical garden that’s also a chemical clock

A chemical garden that’s also a chemical clock

12 April 2019

Research from our Cardoso lab and their colleagues in Spain, published in Angewandte Chemie, combines two classic demos in one beautiful example of active fluid dynamics.

Read more at: Students enable citizens to measure Cambridge air quality
Students enable citizens to measure Cambridge air quality

Students enable citizens to measure Cambridge air quality

10 September 2018

The Sensor CDT Challenge is the final part of the Sensor CDT MRes degree. This year, the students' challenge was to design and implement a "citizen science sensor project". When it came to setting up a citizen science project in Cambridge, a city in which one in three residents cycles to work, the Sensor CDT students...

Read more at: A Tribute to Rebecca Long
A Tribute to Rebecca Long

A Tribute to Rebecca Long

16 June 2015

CEB is deeply saddened to report the tragic death of Rebecca Long, a popular and talented Chemical Engineering undergraduate student. Becca died last Saturday morning (13 June 2015) following serious injuries sustained after being hit by a car when she was walking along Huntingdon Road, near Girton College, in the early...

Read more at: Biopharma alliance forged by MedImmune and CEB
Biopharma alliance forged by MedImmune and CEB

Biopharma alliance forged by MedImmune and CEB

27 May 2015

Organizations announce collaboration to facilitate breakthrough biopharmaceutical research under a new framework agreement