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Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology

Read more at: Unlocking the secret to cleaner vehicle emissions: a comprehensive review of particulate filter models
fumes coming from a car exhaust

Unlocking the secret to cleaner vehicle emissions: a comprehensive review of particulate filter models

13 February 2023

Researchers from our Computational Modelling Group delve into the science behind filtration of ultrafine particles from transport exhaust fumes.

Read more at: Frank Ronald Goodwin Mitchell (1932 – 2021)
Painting of Ron Mitchell standing in his workshop holding a mug

Frank Ronald Goodwin Mitchell (1932 – 2021)

8 February 2023

Colleagues pay tribute to our former Technical Officer Ron Mitchell, who died in December 2021, at the age of 89.

Read more at: Professor Lisa Hall awarded MRC Millennium Medal for 'pioneering multidisciplinary work' in biosensors

Professor Lisa Hall awarded MRC Millennium Medal for 'pioneering multidisciplinary work' in biosensors

8 December 2022

Professor Hall is recognised for her translational research, which has delivered more than 8 million devices to support diabetes care, and her development of environmentally sustainable local manufacturing techniques that will benefit both the NHS and low and middle-income countries globally.

Read more at: Cambridge research team reaches EU ‘Fuel from the Sun’ Final with artificial leaves capable of producing a sustainable solar fuel
The team of researchers testing their artificial leaf array on the rooftop of the Maxwell Centre in Cambridge

Cambridge research team reaches EU ‘Fuel from the Sun’ Final with artificial leaves capable of producing a sustainable solar fuel

6 December 2022

Researchers at the University of Cambridge have developed a system of artificial leaves that use sunlight to turn carbon dioxide and water into a synthetic fuel known as syngas. Their scaled-up demonstrator system, built for the final of the European Union’s ‘Fuel from the Sun’ competition, showed potential for the production of syngas under real-world conditions.

Read more at: Eastbourne College Year 12 student visit
Izy solution team awarded their DID Challenge winning trophy

Eastbourne College Year 12 student visit

26 October 2022

Year 12 students from Eastbourne College visited CEB recently to find out more about chemical engineering and biotechnology and be presented their Davidson Inventors Challenge 2022 Winners Award.